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By csvensson in Uncategorized

So the travel hasn’t really let up and there’s so many things happening at work that it’s very difficult to keep up with. On the plus side, I’m finally getting some help via a new executive hire on my team. As you might be able to tell, I’ve been spread incredibly thin. My new VP of Biz Dev and Digital Platforms will be starting soon (he’ll have to remain anonymous until he actually starts) so a nice chunk of work will be coming off of my plate and some much needed focus in key growth areas for us will be getting more attention than I’ve been able to give them.

Tokyo Game show itself was really slow. Far fewer people at the business days than I’ve ever seen and by miles, far fewer Westerners. Booths were smaller and there was a huge influx of mobile/tablet content and hardware. That said, my three days before the show were slammed with dozens of internal meetings that were extremely productive and promising. On my way back it seems my usual United flight out of Narita got cancelled and I got auto-switched to an ANA flight. Was fine and it wasn’t much of a delay, but I much prefer United’s planes and crew. 🙂

In other travel news, I’ve got another two or three international trips before the end of the year coming up. Cool stuff, unfortunately most of which I can’t talk about but stay tuned.

In gadget news, I’m keeping an eye on the Amazon Fire tablet. Interesting stuff. Not so thrilled about the lack of Google Marketplace but I get why it is what it is (and how it’s priced how it is). That said, I hope there’s a refresh early next year with a couple more bells and whistles. I think that would make a great replacement for my wife’s Kindle.

The Netflix split into digital and physical companies, as a consumer, I find a bit annoying. I’m not entirely sure I get the logic of creating a separate company and a new brand. Separate divisions, sure, I can get that. We’ll see what the future holds. I’m happy they’re getting into games at least. New customers are always good.