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2.5 Week Update

January 25, 2005
By csvensson in Uncategorized

There isn’t a lot of new news to report at this point as we’re settling into a routine. Kaiya’s next doctor’s appointment isn’t until the first week of February. While we haven’t been weighing her, the weight gain seems fairly consistent at this point as she’s getting more and more difficult to carry. Also she’s less yellow and more active/alert so the Billy Rubin must be continuing to go down.

I will say this for her. She is prompt. We’ve previously been feeding her every two hours still, but we’re under the directive that if she wants to sleep longer, to do so and feed her when she wakes up. As it turns out, she wakes up every two hours almost to the minute. You could set your watch by her. And here I was hoping to shift her to some slightly longer feeding cycle.

Since our last update, Kaiya’s umbilical cord has detached which means it was time for her first real bath. We figure these pics will be great for embarrassing her in front of some future boyfriend some 15 years from now or something.

We’ve also begun reading books to her daily and giving her some time on a play mat my mother picked up for her. She seems bewildered and amazed by the mat’s toys that hang above and especially the mirror part of it.

We also use the mat to put her on her stomach for about 10 minutes a day so she can work on her neck and shoulder muscles (which seem to be developing more daily). My bet is that by one month, she’ll be able to support her head properly.