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October 8, 2010
By csvensson in Uncategorized

So the last couple weeks have been busy. As I’d mentioned, we’ve done a lot of work on the investment house with more to go. I spent HOURS sanding down and restaining the front door but I’m pleased with the results.

Mid-sanding... the dark bits are the original stain/condition

The re-stained door

And the old kitchen has been ripped out. The new tile has been laid. I only have pictures with the new subfloor in at the moment but I’ll add more later.

Original Kitchen

Planned new design

Kitchen getting ripped out

Kitchen gone, subfloor in

There’s other work that’s been done now too. We’ll have replaced all of the plumbing in the house. The bathrooms have also been ripped out and are ready for new tile, vanities, fixtures, etc. Carpeting for the entryway has been removed (it’ll be tile like the kitchen).

It’ll look like a new house in about two to three weeks.

This weekend we’re headed up to Napa to go to the J Vineyards tomorrow to celebrate their harvest. We love their sparkling wines. We’ll surely come back with a couple cases of good stuff to have at the house given the discounts for being in their wine club. 🙂

Sunday will be a pumpkin patch day with Kaiya.

And in the next couple weeks I’m making arrangements to visit my Uncle Gene in Florida, some business associates in Chicago and will be giving the keynote speech at the DDM Executive Summit in Boston, all within five days.